Global Permissions control what each Organization Member’s can do in the Organization. The Global Permissions are:

  • Create Pipelines - Grants permission to create new Pipelines. When this Global Permission if off, the Organization Member can view any Pipelines they have been given access to see, but not create new Pipelines
  • Add/remove info - Permission to add and remove information in the Pipeline web page. If this permission is off, the Organization Member has read-only access to the Pipeline web page
  • Add/remove columns - Lets an Organization Member create and delete custom columns
  • Add notes in entire Org & see all msgs - Gives an Organization Member the ability to see messages and notes related to startups and companies in all Pipelines in the Organization. Notes and messages are specific to a Pipeline, so when this permission is on it allows the Organization Member to see notes left for a specific startup or company in any Pipeline in the Organization - even those the Organization Member is not otherwise permitted to view.